Landscape "Yorkshire Rose" covering 100 square metres - An underground tank of 5,000 litres capacity houses a fountain ring with 54 6.5mm bore adjustable jets,within this is the central 20mm bore main water jet - producing a water plume 4 metres high
Multi - submersible pumps used with a combined output of 165,000 litres per hour
The outermost 5 green leaves house the radial jet nozzles angled in towards the centre - producing 2 metres high water jets
Featuring seperate control panel with timing systems and variable windspeed cut out monitor
The cycle is radial jets initially for 30 seconds, joined by the fountain ring and then the main jet - all run for a further minute before the cycle ends - 5 minutes later it all starts again, this can be customised and altered as required.
Lighting systems, additional and more powerful pumps and larger jets are all available as required

We create many of our designs in partnership with Yorkshire Water Features which has over 20 years of experience when it comes to water features.
Between our two companies we can pretty much cover all shapes, sizes and materials.